When you place a wager on a sporting event, you are placing something of value at risk to win more than the amount wagered. The goal is to win a profit and there are several types of bets you can make. Official betting is when the sportsbook has a contract with a professional league to accept bets on games that feature those teams and players. The league works closely with regulators, sportsbooks and independent integrity monitors to ensure that players and team officials are not violating betting rules.

NFL Pros Can’t Bet on Their Own Teams

The NFL has strict rules about sports betting and players must sign a contract acknowledging they understand the rules. If a player violates the terms of the contract, they can be suspended for as much as a full season. Players are not allowed to bet on any NFL games from a team facility or while they are traveling with the club. This includes non-NFL games like the NFL Draft and NFL Combine. The Charlotte Hornets tell WCNC that they provide education on the league’s policies to players several times a year and have a person dedicated to all sports betting matters.

College sports betting is permitted, but you can only bet on a sport that has an NCAA-sanctioned championship. If you bet on any other type of betting, you can run into eligibility issues. You are also not allowed to place a bet on a game where you have been assigned a role, such as a referee or scorekeeper.
