A DVD series on card games by Official Poker, Inc. has helped everyday people learn everything they need to know about card games. The DVDs feature lessons in all aspects of the game, including how to play with chips and cards. Now, the series is available in a Special Players Edition Box Set. The DVDs also include bonus materials.

Poker etiquette is a collection of accepted rules and norms that can make a big difference at a poker table. Keeping proper poker table manners will make for a more enjoyable experience, and a positive experience for everyone involved. Besides, it’ll make the game flow smoothly.

Players are expected to keep their cards in view at all times. They should not place them below the table’s edge. They should also avoid covering them up to hide them. It’s also important for players to have a clear view of their opponents’ chips, especially higher denomination ones. Any player who regularly or continuously fails to do so will forfeit his or her chips.

The dealer is the player who deals the cards in a game of poker. In a casino setting, the dealer is one player who rotates clockwise after each hand. The two players immediately to the left of the dealer are called the big blind and small blind. The blinds must be bet a set amount of money in order to be eligible for the pot.
