Official poker is a card game that requires considerable skill, whether played in private homes for pennies or in famous casinos for thousands of dollars. While there is a great deal of luck involved, poker also relies on a strong understanding of probability and psychology.

A player’s actions in the course of a hand are binding on all players unless he or she verbally states that it is his or her intention to do something else. For instance, saying “I’m going to call” is binding and a player can not raise unless he or she actually calls the bet. Similarly, if a player says “I’m passing,” this is binding and the player can not raise until another player has passed.

In addition to these basic rules, there are certain rules relating to the table’s etiquette and table management that must be adhered to. In most cases, these rules are not enforced as strictly as the basic poker rules, but it is important for players to keep in mind the spirit of the game and the expectations of other players when playing poker.

Like most professional sports and games, poker has a group that manages its rules. In this case, it is the Professional Tournament Directors Association (Poker TDA). This group, consisting of managers of large live and online poker rooms, circuits, or poker leagues, meets every two years to review and reform the game’s rules. WSOP Tournament Director Jack Effel sits on the poker TDA’s board of directors.
