With sports betting now legal in 30 states plus Washington, DC, it’s no surprise that the NFL, MLB and NBA are trying to influence state laws and regulators. One area of focus for the leagues is “official betting,” which involves an agreement between a bookmaker and a sports team or league to promote that team’s official sportsbook. The Hornets, for example, have a partnership with BetMGM, which promotes the team’s sportsbooks at arena events and online.

The Hornets say they educate players on the league’s betting policies several times a year and have a person dedicated to all sports-related matters. The Hornets also tell WCNC Charlotte that they’re not aware of any player who has broken any rules. In addition to the aforementioned bribery rules, the NBA’s rules against betting also prohibit players from placing bets on the NBA or its affiliates (like the G-League and WNBA) or any competition involving those teams. It’s also illegal to place bets on soccer matches or any event in those games.

MLS players are also prohibited from betting on soccer matches, but they can bet on other sports if the wager is placed legally and in a location where it’s legal. Drivers on a NASCAR team or anyone involved with the race itself are barred from placing bets on races, but they can gamble on other sports. The NBA has been fighting to force sportsbooks to use its “official” data, which Sports Handle reports is not about integrity—it’s about monetization.
