Online lottery games are growing in popularity. They make it easy to play from the comfort of your home and have become an excellent alternative for those who are not interested in buying traditional tickets. Many state lotteries offer online lottery games, and the majority of them are free to join. You can find a wide variety of games on these websites, including scratch-offs and instant-win lottery games.
Most of these sites are licensed and heavily regulated by gambling authorities. In addition, most of them are secure and use 256-bit SSL encryption to protect your data. If you’re considering playing on a site that doesn’t offer this level of security, we recommend that you look elsewhere.
You can also enjoy a number of other perks on these sites, including subscriptions and multi-draw packages. Subscriptions allow you to pay on a regular basis and be automatically entered into consecutive draws. In addition, some sites offer discounts on subscriptions so that you can save money and time.
If you’re looking for a more convenient way to play, you can also choose from a number of lottery apps that are available on mobile devices. These apps are typically easier to navigate than their desktop counterparts and often work better with touch screens.
While it’s not legal in all states, 45 US states and Washington, DC now have some form of online lottery game. TheLotter, for example, is one of the most popular online lottery sites and offers a range of different games. It’s also available in a number of languages and supports more than 40 international lotteries.