As a card game, poker requires considerable skill as well as luck. Players must be able to minimize their losses when they have weak hands and maximize their winnings when they have good ones. In addition, there is a certain amount of etiquette involved in the game that is important to follow. For example, it is proper to raise a bet if you have a strong hand and call a bet if you have fewer. Moreover, it is also good to be respectful of other players and keep your emotions in check.

In most games, a player must first place an initial contribution to the pot, called an ante. Typically, this is a minimum of one or more chips. Then, the dealer deals cards to each player. The highest hand wins the pot. Most poker games use a standard 52-card pack and sometimes add one or two jokers as wild cards.

The game is played with chips, which are usually white, black, and red in color. Each chip has a different value, with the white chips being worth the lowest amount, and the red chips being worth the most. A typical poker game will have enough chips to accommodate seven or more players. A player who has already deposited a marker or buy-in into the game has preference for any available seat. In addition, any activity that interferes with play is forbidden and will be halted by the dealer or other players.
